“The Foundation of Liberty”, Magna Carta


3 min readJun 6, 2020
Copyright from Hoover Institution

Discussion of Rationality 讨论小组 2020–05–31

肥啾 2020–05–31



No. From Magna Carta, nobody, even no Kings or governments, can take LIBERTY from people, because LIBERTY is the fundamental right of a human being.

按照现在欧美成文法的法律定义,以及按照平时谈起的“对自由的保障” (法律以及常识),人身的自由是任何人以及任何政府不能拿走的。抓捕以及扣押都不是人身自由。这里特指的是英美成文法,我不确定国内的法律是否定义也是如此。

Magna Carta是什么

Magna Carta是确立“自由不能被任何人或者政府剥夺”这个普世价值的奠基文件,或者说它是对“对自由的保障”的一个写进Common Law法律体系的溯源。于1215年英国国王与反抗成功的barons签立了Magna Carta这项契约;之后的启蒙运动, British Constitution, Parliament, US Constitution, 以至于到今天“自由需要无条件被保障”的理念,无不可以算作Magna Carta的传承者(相关美国宪法的条文reference后面有写)。

Magna Carta Libertatum 1215 is significant to the development of the Republic and Western Civilization. It is the fundamental document in the development of individual liberty.

Magna Carta重点解读与美国相关法律引用

  • 疑罪从无,即“如果没有依据法律的条文被违反,不能将一个人判刑或定罪”。(从这个角度来说,为什么大家很在意修订的国安法?)

(Magna Carta, 39th Clause): No man shall be arrested or imprisoned except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land.

  • 美国法律对应条例为第六章的第2条。

It’s reflected in US Constitution’s Suspension Clause (Article 1 Section 6 Clause 2): The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

  • 国王不拥有无限权力。Magna Carta中第61条,即“如果国王不遵循陪审团签署的法令,41天后陪审团可以把权力从国王这里拿走”。

(Magna Carta, 61th Clause, aka Security Clause): “There’ll be a Council of twenty-five barons. If the King doesn’t follow the rules of Magna Carta after 40 days of an edict from the Council, then the barons have the lawful rights to take the power over from the King.”

  • 美国法律对应条例为宪法的第五修正案,第九修正案,等等。

Fifth Amendment, aka Due Process Clause: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Ninth Amendment: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

(相关历史) Related History

  • 13th Century Olivine Kings -> Henry I signed the Charter of Liberties -> King John I negotiated with the rebel group in London -> Articles of the Baron -> Great Charter (Magna Carta)
  • Just something to keep in mind: Magna Carta is also called the “Great Charter.” And in the end, this new relationship that the King is going to give up some things, and the rebels are going to put down their weapons and they’re going to renew their oath to the king.
  • Note that there were wars after Magna Carta where rules were not faithfully obeyed. Also note that in actual Magna Carta, there was more focus upon the detailed land and tax distribution for the barons, and our focus is the liberty discussion that’s why Magna Carta is important till this day.

Sources来源:文中引用的条文来自Magna Carta翻译原文以及美国宪法原文。对Magna Carta意义的解读大多源自Stanford MagnaCarta medievalists和Magna Carta Project in USA. 偶有个人的解读的部分

